Stammbaum Stein und Bubritzki

Joseph Albitz

Person Chart

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Julia Overholser (Albitz) Partner or wife Indiana, USA 4.1870
Franklin Albitz Son Indiana, USA 2.1892
Gertrude Blanche Albitz (Bell, Stein) Daughter Indiana, USA 26.11.1893 Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 30.5.1967
Clara B Albitz Daughter Indiana, USA 11.1895
John H Albitz Son Indiana, USA 4.1898
Missouri S Albitz Son Indiana, USA 3.1900
Wilma K Bell Granddaughter Indiana, USA 1914
Melvin A Bell Grandson Indiana, USA 1919
Marion Ellsworth Bell Granddaughter Indiana, USA 1921
Sons- & Daughters-In-Law
Bronson Edward Stein Son-in-law Washington 19.2.1899